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Visually Thirsty


Lynda McConnell

Hummingbird Sculpture
On The Surface
Are you building an exciting exhibit, fabricating a landmark? Time to revitalize an icon? Let's talk.

Lynda has a
 Visually Thirsty mind and creating realistic surface detail is a passion!

Exhibit production companies have hired Lynda to carve waterfalls prior to resin coat, sculpt tall prehistoric trees, create the interior and exterior surfaces of a walk-through volcano and turn plaster-cast salmon bodies into a hanging exhibit, detailed according to size, age and sex of the specimens.
Morning Glory
Hummingbird and Salmon Exhibits Fabricated by
Atlantex Creative Works
Hand Painted Salmon Exhibit_edited.jpg
Salmon Exhibit Installation
The much loved Clearwater Lobster Icon, before and after revitalization.
Clearwater Lobster BEFORE
Clearwater Lobster Icon Revitalized_edit
One For The Community
(The Story Of The Cow Bay Moose)
The late sculptor, Winston Bronnum, first placed The Cow Bay Moose on the Atlantic shore in 1959.

The Moose had been many different colours, including the one shown for reference, and his visual condition lay neglected for years.

As a pay-it-forward challenge in 2014, Lynda set up her gear and quietly worked away until the massive concrete beast was proudly wearing a new coat of paint.
Each year she returns to keep him looking great for the thousands of visitors who frequent this popular coastal area each year. 
At twelve feet to the withers, he stands tall and proud watching over the bay. 
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